Celebrating Knowledge, Creativity, and Unity

The USO Guwahati Inter Schools Fest – conducted under the aegis of the 61st General Conference and All-India Schools Festival, welcomed schools in and around Guwahati to participate in this 1-day festival in which students competed in various competitions. Competition topics were based on SDG 3.
Know More About the 61st General Conference and All-India Schools Festival
For the first time at
Don Bosco School Guwahati is a Catholic institution affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). It is one of the premier institutions in the field of education in the North East. Don Bosco School, a student-centered organization aims to foster the holistic growth of its pupils by developing their physical, intellectual, and emotional potential, their ethical sensitivity, and their sense of the transcendent. The School’s primary mission is to provide a dynamic learning space that is enjoyable, safe, happy, caring, and stimulating.

Event Objective
To promote...
…collaboration, creativity, and camaraderie among students and teachers, creating a vibrant learning environment through friendly competition and shared experiences. This fest provided students a platform to showcase their talents in diverse fields, thereby encouraging talent and creativity.
To foster...
…healthy competition through various competitions while also building a sense of community among students and teachers from different schools in/around Guwahati. Through the various competitions, all delegates learned the importance of teamwork and collaboration.
To encourage...
…participation and motivate students to participate. Through this fest, the students also interacted with peers from other schools, building new friendships and social connections. This provided an educational experience beyond the classroom where students learnt from each other.
Through this fest, we also aimed to instill a sense of pride and identity among students for their respective schools, encouraging them to represent their schools with enthusiasm. The fest not only highlighted the talents of the students but also provided them with a platform for personal growth and development.
USO's Global Theme for 2023
SDG 3 stands for Sustainable Development Goal 3, which is one of the 17 global goals adopted by the United Nations as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
SDG 3 focuses on ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages. The goal aims to improve global health by addressing various health challenges and disparities worldwide. Focusing on the theme of Good Health and Well-Being can have a positive impact on students, teachers, and the entire school community.
Watch a short video on the Highlights
This short video is a summary of the Highlights of USO Guwahati Inter Schools Fest held at Don Bosco School, Pan Bazar, Guwahati. It also covers the media coverage that USO received in several newspapers.
Our Journey...1951 - 2022
USO’s General Conference and All-India Schools Festivals have been graced by former Prime Ministers, former Presidents, high-ranking government officials, UN dignatories and many others as Chief Guests, Guests of Honour, or invited guests. Several guests also attended as young students, while at school in various parts of India!
Conferences have been conducted NATIONALLY!
Different States that these conferences have been held.
Schools share our history in conducting these Conferences.
Students have participated and grown to become global citizens.
Registration Form
It is important for all schools to pre-register for the USO Guwahati Inter Schools Fest. The online form requires preliminary information and the number of teachers and students who shall be part of the fest. The list of students and teachers can be sent later as the template below. You may download the template, fill in the details, and email: conference@usoindia.org or info@usoindia.org. Alternatively, you may also provide the list (as per the template below) upon registration. Payment can be made through the link in the form below.
Registration ends October 5, 2023.
Registration Form (Includes Payment Link)
Excel Template for Delegates Information
Downloads For Schools
To make is easier for schools to relay the information to parents, we have prepared a circular letter. Schools may print the letter and along with the poster details share with parents for easier communication.
Information and Circular Letter
Detailed Poster of the Fest
Competition Rules
We are sharing the rules that shall be applicable for all competitions including topics, time limits, judging criteria and all other details. Schools may kindly download and view the rules below.
Competition Rules
We have compiled below Frequently Asked Questions. If you still have questions after going through the page, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The USO Guwahati Inter Schools Fest is being conducted under the aegis of the 61st General Conference & All-India Schools Festival. Through this fest, we aim to bring together various schools in/around Guwahati to interact with each other while competing in various competitions.
The fest is divided into individual and group competitions. Since all the competitions will take place simultaneously, each student can only take part in one competition.
Individual Competitions: There are 2 individual competitions that shall be conducted as part of the fest.
- On-the-Spot Painting Competition
- Speech Competition
Group Competitions: There are 2 individual competitions in which max. 6 students can participate.
- Group Dance Competition
- One Act Play Competition
The fest is organised under the aegis of USO’s flagship event which is being conducted since 1951. The main purpose of organising such an event is to help students gain confidence in a protected environment. Additionally, all teachers and students shall find a peer network to interact with.
This event is instrumental in promoting valuable ideals such as ‘National Integration’, ‘Peace’, ‘Tolerance’, ‘We Are All Equal’, and so much more. Not only will all delegates create a network, they will also benefit greatly by increasing awareness by interacting with the various participants nationally. This shall greatly assist in each one taking one step closer to ‘Global Citizenship’.
The USO Guwahati Inter Schools Fest shall be held on Friday, October 13, 2023, from 8 am onwards.
The Fest shall be held at Don Bosco School, Pan Bazaar, Guwahati.
Schools may send their delegation of students and teachers as follows:
- Students of Std. 6-12 (Maximum of 14 students per school)
- Teachers (Max. of 2 teachers per school)
The global theme for this year is SDG 3: “Global Health and Well Being”. Competition topics shall be based on this theme, as applicable. Detailed topics are listed as part of the rules.
Schools are required to fill out the online registration form and make the payment. (Click Here to Fill the Online Registration Form)
The list of delegates (teachers and students) is also required by USO. This can be provided on the day of the fest. (Click Here to download the excel template for delegates details)
The registration fees from schools are as follows:
- USO Member Schools – Rs. 250 per school.
- USO non-Member Schools – Rs. 350 per school.
There is no fee from students.
The registration fee includes participation in all competitions and a snack box for all delegates.
The registration fee does not include the following any reimbursement or travel allowance.
Yes, all participating students shall receive a Certificate of Participation.
The prize winners shall be awarded trophies and a Certificate of Achievement.
Each participating school shall receive a Plaque of Appreciation, and the accompanying teachers shall receive a Certificate.
Register Now
Registration ends October 5, 2023.
Our Previous Fest
The USO Chennai Inter Schools Fest was conducted at RMK Senior Secondary School, Thiruverkkadu, Tamil Nadu in 2022. Click Here For Photos, Videos And Much More.